
Sunday Services

Sunday School 10:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Afternoon Preaching 1:30 PM

The latest at Coweta Baptist Church

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by: David Hethorn



By Pastor David Hethorn

 I often meet well-meaning Christians that ask why I carry a gun. Their thoughts being that I must not trust the Lord to take care of me. If I really believed in the Sovereignty of God I wouldn’t need to carry a weapon. Here is my answer to them and why I have no objections if others want to come to church or anywhere else armed.

We do live in the wonderful state of Idaho that understands the Constitutional and God given right to carry firearms, wh

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The wicked plotteth against the just.

by: David Hethorn



The political climate has drastically changed this year and unlike previous administrations this incoming administration is bent on the destruction of the righteous. It appears that there will be sweeping changes of rules and law in order to maintain that the wicked remain in places of power. Nevertheless, the righteous have and advocate and place of refuge, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The wicked having power over the righteous is not new. History proves this fact, but it also p

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by: David Hethorn



Today there is a prevalence among Baptist churches to institute a plurality of Elders or Elder Rule. This is the Presbyterian form of government and has never been the practice of Baptist churches. Why would a Baptist want to be Protestant or “Reformed” in the government of their churches? I thought, as Baptist we would hold to the Biblical principles of our Faith. We ought not to be fooled by the Protestant’s. Just because some member(s) thinks it would be a great idea do

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Worship Him, Christ the Lord

by: David Hethorn



In the worship services of many churches you may find professional singers in concerts, sensuous and even sensual dancers, theatrical performers presenting skits and plays, comedic jokesters making people laugh, and preachers of moral standards, legal requirements, political views, patriotic commitment, financial guidelines, motivational principles, ...     You will search the Holy Scriptures in vain for any of those things in the churches of the Lord and Savior Jesus Chri...
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by: David Hethorn



This morning’s meditation took me the 84th Psalm where David said, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

I began to think about this doorkeeper, and realized that his job would be very lonely, tedious and unrewarding from a human standpoint. He would have to tolerate the days of summer heat and the cold long, lonely nights of winter. He would be overlooked at best and looked down upon by most because he was a slave.

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